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All manuscripts should be prepared clearly typewritten in Microsoft Word 2003-2007, in Kruti Dev 010, font size 16 for Sanskrit/Hindi, and Times New Roman, font size 12 for English (latest edition of MLA Handbook in all matters of form), typed in double space and one-inch margins on single-sided A4 paper. |
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Each manuscript requires an Abstract in 250-300 words followed by 4-5 keywords, if applicable. |
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Title of the paper should be bold, title case (Capitalize each word), centered and text of the research paper should be justified. All pages of the manuscript will should be numbered at the upper right corner of the page. |
4. |
The main paper must contain the Name, Affiliation, Contact No. and E-mail address of the author(s). The above information should be placed in the right corner under the Title of the paper. |
5. |
Length of the research paper must be in (not more) 2500-3000 words. |
6. |
The article/research paper without references or incomplete references will not be entertained. Paper written in Sanskrit or Hindi Language must be followed by endnote. |
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The article/research paper should be accompanied with a declaration to the effect that the paper is the original works of the author(s) and that has not been submitted for publication anywhere else. |
8. |
The Editor reserves the right to reject any manuscripts as unsuitable in Topic, Style or Form without requesting external review. |
9. |
All research papers will be blindly reviewed, because we do not send any information to our reviewers about authors and their affiliation, so any paper may be rejected or suggested for necessary changes. |
10. |
Authors are requested to follow the strict ethics of writing scholarly papers and to aware plagiarism. |
11. |
Research Paper must not be against the Nation, Religion, Cast & Creed and Individual also. Do not draw religious symbols on any page of your research paper. |
12. |
Research Paper should prepare according to our style-sheet and it must be submitted to The Managing Editor in two hard copies & a soft copy (CD) along with a self -addressed & stamped envelope and/or through E-mails: researchusvv@gmail.com or Editor in Chief, The Managing Editor Shodh Pragya, Uttarakhand Sanskrit UNiversity Bahadrabad, Haridwar-249402 Uttarakhand. in attachment only. |